10 Proven Ways To Get Traffic To Your Website


Driving traffic to your website is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. It’s also one of the most difficult, especially in a world where you’re competing for people’s attention with millions of other brands and businesses. If you want to drive more visits and conversions for your business, here are ten ways to get started:

Write Quality Content

The first step to getting traffic to your site is writing quality content that your audience will want to read. Think about what your target audience cares about and write a post that addresses that topic. You can do this by:

  • Creating helpful content for your audience
  • Writing about topics related to their interests or concerns (i.e., don’t just write about the latest gadgets if you’re selling fashion items)
  • Use keywords in your content so search engines can find it more easily


So, how does SEO fit into your online marketing strategy?

SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). In other words, it’s about getting people to find you when they search for something related to your business. This can be a great way to drive traffic and leads, but only if you’re doing it right.

Because SEO is so important—and because there are so many moving parts involved—it’s crucial that businesses educate themselves on the basics before diving into this area of marketing. While there are plenty of resources out there to help guide you through the process, it’s good to start by understanding some basic concepts and terminology:

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media is a great way to drive traffic to your website, promote your content and build relationships with influencers. You can use social media for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Finding new customers and clients
  • Finding new employees

Blog Regularly and Consistently

Blogging is the most important way to drive traffic to your website. It’s also a great way to attract and engage with your customers, build relationships, and generate traffic that leads to business growth. According to HubSpot, “Blogging may be one of the most effective ways for marketers to attract and engage with their target audiences.”

When you blog regularly and consistently, you establish yourself as an expert in your field—and when people become aware of this fact (through word-of-mouth marketing or social media), they’ll want to do business with you because they trust what you have to say.

Make it Easy for Readers to Share Your Content

  • Make it easy for readers to share content.
  • Use social media buttons.
  • Include a call to action.
  • Provide a link shortener, if you have one (like Bitly or Owly). * Provide social media icons, preferably in the sidebar and on every page of your site so that people who’ve already found you can easily help spread the word by linking back to you.

SEO is all about backlinks. Backlinks are a good indicator of the value of your content and can also help drive traffic to your website. This is why it’s important to build backlinks whenever possible, especially if you want to get more people to find out about what you do.

There are many ways to build quality backlinks that will increase organic traffic:

  • Ask other bloggers for their URL, Facebook page, or Twitter handle and use this link in an article mentioning them as a source of information relevant to the content on their site (this is called a “no-follow” link). The more authoritative the blog that links back to yours, the better!

Find External Opportunities for Backlinks

One of the best ways you can drive traffic to your website is by getting other websites to link back to it. This means that you’ll need to find sites that accept guest posts (the standard term for an article written by another writer), as well as ones that are relevant and have a similar audience.

To determine whether or not a site will accept your guest post:

  • Check their submission guidelines before submitting anything. If there isn’t an email address or form listed on their homepage, contact them via Twitter or LinkedIn instead.
  • Search for articles about topics similar to yours and see if those writers were able to get published on those sites. If so, then there might be hope for yours too!

To determine whether or not a site has a good reputation:

  • Look at their Alexa ratings (this measures traffic). The higher this number is, the better! Also check out Google Trends and TrendSpottr so see how popular they are right now–this will help determine if they’re worth reaching out too in terms of potential reach/traffic generation capabilities!

Start Guest Posting for Other Sites

Guest posting is one of the best ways to get your content in front of new audiences, build backlinks and increase traffic to your own website.

With guest posting, you’re reaching a new audience that doesn’t know about you or your business yet. They may be interested in what you have to say and will likely share it with their friends and followers on social media—which can lead to even more organic traffic!

Here are some examples of sites that accept guest posts:

Use social media to drive people to your site.

Use social media to drive people to your site.

  • Post quality content. The first tip is to post quality content, and the second is to post regularly. Your posts should be interesting enough that people will want to share them with their friends and family on social media networks. When you post something that’s worth sharing, it will get shared by other people—and they’ll see it in their newsfeeds! That’s how you get traffic from other sites directed towards yours via social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (or all three).
  • Use hashtags. Most major social media platforms allow users the ability to include up to 30 characters in front of any word or phrase within a status update – including hashtags (#). Hashtags are used as a way for users on different websites or apps such as Instagram and Twitter (@) to talk about similar things so others can find them too! For example: if I want more followers for my blog about business growth then I could include a hashtag such as “#businessbloggers” so everyone else who might also use this term knows exactly what kind of content I produce – which would hopefully lead them back here again!
  • Use images & videos too! Most people prefer visual formats over text-based ones so give yourself some extra chances by posting images along with written pieces so everyone gets something good out there.”

Start an email newsletter.

Your email newsletter can be an incredibly effective tool for driving traffic to your website. When you use it properly, a well-designed and well-executed email newsletter can:

  • Communicate with your customers in a way that feels more personal than social media platforms or even traditional advertising.
  • Get people to subscribe to your email newsletter. You’ll have their attention on a regular basis, which means they’re more likely to see any links you include in future emails and click them because they’re already familiar with you as the sender (and maybe also because they’ve got nothing better on their agenda).
  • Promote products and services directly from within the content of each issue. This helps drive sales without being overly promotional or spammy like typical ads would be—and it keeps readers engaged by offering them something useful at no cost!


You can’t expect to drive traffic to your website without any effort or knowledge. You need to know what works and where the best place is to find potential customers. In this article, we’ve outlined some of our top tips for driving more traffic to your site. Try them out today!

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